Letters to the Editor

PRIMER-Connecticut's PRIME activity is writing letters to the editor, with monitoring and responding done on a continual ongoing basis.

A published letter is a powerful tool in getting the pro-Israel message to the general public.

When editors of a newspaper with a quarter million circulation receive eight to ten letters in response to an article, they consider it a major response and assuredly will publish one or two letters. Therefore, letters that are written but not published serve as an important catalyst in having other letters published.

PRIMER-Connecticut often develops a Comment and Analysis as an important stimulus in motivating responses.

In a Comment and Analysis, PRIMER-Connecticut goes takes an editorial, letter or article and comments on and analyzes each issue raised. The Comment and Analysis is sent to PRIMER activists who are able to use the Comment and Analysis in composing their own, individual letters.

Comment and Analysis has been a powerful tool in generating intelligent, thoughtful responses.